Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

In the dark room, before you, stands a 4 meter tall inscription, with unknown shapes and letters. A primal fear fills you, but you stay.

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Hey. I found this room while I was searching through the center. I don't know what but something is wrong here. Something.. Anyway, there are lots of ancient tablets and a giant inscription here. I don't know what it says, but it seems that someone was here before us. There are some notes laying around here. Lets take a look at them.

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Guide to HTML

HTML is an ancient language used to build the foundation of this realm. Mastering it can open the doors to many possibilities, even reaching godhood. Proceed with caution.

Basic Elements In Body Part Of The Code:

  • Headers[<h1>-<h6>]: You can use these elements from h1 to h6 to write headings. While h1 is the biggest in terms of font size, h6 is the smallest.